Boseong Ujeon Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder: Teas Unique

nice bubbles

Boseong Ujeon Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder by Teas Unique

Oh Christmas tea! Oh Christmas tea! How lovely is your matcha!

Today we had the first real snow – it’s actually sticking. It’s starting to feel like Christmas in Canada! So today I put up my Dad’s teeny-tiny Christmas tree. So tiny, but so lovely. It fits just perfectly beside his picture.

xmas tree

tiny tree

And to go with my “Good King Wenceslas” and my tiny perfect tree, I’m having some green tea! It’s all warm and cheery – at last!

This Boseong Ujeon Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder comes from Unrim Village, Boseong County, Jeonnam Province, Korea. It’s the first pluck (Ujeon) from April. 2017. I open the packet and sit here inhaling it while I type. It smells soooooooo yummy – fresh and buttery. Reminds me of shortbread cookies. There’s a little bit of tang in there as well, so I don’t know if it’s going to bring bitterness to the tea.  The powder itself is almost an olive green colour. It’s not the same bright green as a ceremonial grade matcha, but this doesn’t pretend to be that. Teas Unique has another “Ceremonial Grade” matcha from Jeju Island, and it’s fantastic!  I hope this is good in its own right.


fine green powder

I’m doing this in the style of Japanese tea ceremony, which is the only way I know how to do matcha. I don’t know if Korean tea ceremony is the same.  I put 2 (chasaku) scoops into my tea bowl and add a bit of  hot (not boiling) water to make a little slurry.


a little water


Then I add about a cup of water and whisk it up. The tea does froth up nicely, with lots of little bubbles, so I take that as a good sign. The colour is more of an olive green than a bright matcha green, but knowing this isn’t supposed to be ceremonial grade, I’m OK with it. It smells like fresh green matcha, so that’s great!

nice bubbles

nice bubbles!

I turn my tea bowl and drink. Hmmm… nice smooth feel – not chalky. Nice rich green matcha and shortbread flavour with lots of umami goodness. There is a little bit of bitterness, but just enough to give it some character – not enough to wreck it. But the best thing about it is the aftertaste! It’s amazing! It leaves such a satisfying matcha flavour – smooth and creamy like Matcha Kit-Kat, or Matcha Pocky, or matcha ice-cream. I love that flavour! It’s so unique! And with the great green flavour comes that calm sense of stillness that only matcha gives. It always makes the world slow down a little bit so you can see and hear everything a little more clearly.  Do you see what I see? hahaha…

Super big THANK YOU to Teas Unique for providing this tea sample! As always, the quality is outstanding. Aaaaand – If you feel like you want to try this delicious matcha, Teas Unique is offering my readers a fantastic 25% discount from now until January 12, 2018 – if you follow my link! Why not try BOTH this, and the Jeju Island Ceremonial Grade Matcha and see which you prefer?

And just as a side note, last night I finished off my super yummy jar of Matchocolate Black Chai Tea and Chocolate Spread, which you can read about here, and which also has the same 25% discount! I put the last of the spread into my protein balls to sweeten them, and now I don’t know how I’m going to live with just ordinary protein balls! I’m going to have to order more myself!


Matchocolate and protein balls!

**Newsflash!** Teas Unique is extending the 25% discount on ALL of my reviewed Teas Unique teas and goodies until January 12! WOW!!!

Mt. Jiri Joongjak Organic Whole Leaf Green Tea

Jeju Island Organic Whole Leaf Green Tea with Mandarin Orange

Matchocolate Black Chai Tea Chocolate Spread

Jeju Island Ceremonial Grade Organic Matcha Green Tea Powder



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